We hope that we have encouraged you to see that God has a plan to reach the nations that involve every one of His children. If you feel God's Spirit convicting you to give your all for the proclamation of the gospel, please reach out to us. We would love to connect and encourage you on your journey.
We want to help you by:
1. Providing sound Biblical resources to help you serve God to your fullest ability.
2. Providing resources and practical suggestions to help with relocation.
3. Networking with others who are interested in reaching the unreached.
4. Providing guidance on how to use skills you currently have to connect with non-Christian populations in the 10/40 window.
5. Inviting people to join us and give them a place to learn and minister with other brothers and sisters in Christ in an unreached area. We want to do this by studying the Word in an interactive way that is lived out practically daily with the intent of sending people to other unreached areas.
6. Partnering with you. If we are like-minded, we would partner with and assist you in going to an unreached area.
For us, we desire greatly for the gospel to get to more unreached people. We are happy to guide, help, and encourage any evangelical Christian we can on their own journey. However, if you desire to partner with us, you must be in agreement with our doctrinal statement and philosophy of ministry. We also want to get to know you to be able to affirm your giftedness, character, and biblical teaching ability. For those who desire to lead in a church plant, Titus 1, 1 Timothy 2 and 3, and 1 Peter 5 should be the main Biblical reference points for biblical expectations. We passionately believe that God desires the local church to be the trainer and sender of His people to unreached areas. Therefore, it is essential that the local church is confident in someone’s ability to be an effective servant leader. The time needed greatly depends on an individual's circumstances. Those who have served as elders/pastors and are being sent by a local church could have a very short time compared with someone who is younger and has not. We are very personal in our training and want to see people use their gifts actively in ministry. We will have regular times of discipleship throughout the week with the purpose of equipping new leaders as well as additional study requirements to assist in preparing people to serve. What is important to understand is that we are seeking to place someone in an environment where they can be prayed for, encouraged, and equipped for the work of the ministry. This is done with the people of our church gathering and is an essential part of reaching the unreached.