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Our Stories

We are sharing our stories to demonstrate that we serve an all powerful God that uses common people for His glory and global mission. What we want to do is to help more Christians have stories of how they are reaching the unreached.  

The Ohler Family

My wife, Marissa, and I have 9 children, 5 boys and 4 girls. We desire to serve God as best as we can and want to help others do the same. We are very thankful that God keeps shaping and molding us to be more like His Son.  In 2020 God was teaching us the significance of being ambassadors for Christ. The Spirit of God kept bringing 2 Corinthians 5:20 to my heart, and I was convicted that I was not following God as I was supposed to. As I started sharing with my wife and church family, I became more and more convinced of my responsibility to reach out to places in the world where the gospel is not being shared. Ultimately, my wife and family believed Thailand was the place for us to serve and we moved in January 2021. We are extremely thankful for all God has done and are excited to encourage others to take the gospel to the nations.

David and Nan's Family

David and Nan and their three daughters are from Myanmar. We, the Ohler family, were connected to them through a mutual friend, and we shared with them what we were doing in Thailand, and they agreed to join us. This meant that they had to leave family behind and sell what they had in order to come serve Christ with us. They were the answer to prayer for outreach to the Myanmar people in our area. They have been in Thailand for nearly two years. We are excited to see how God will continue to use them. 


We met Zion in a refugee camp and immediately realized that she had a unique passion for the proclamation of the gospel and caring for people in need. She had to flee her home because of the war in Myanmar. We felt that she was the right person to work with to help care for refugees, and has a passion for sharing the gospel wherever she is. Currently, she manages a home for 21 refugee children in Phop Phra, Thailand. 

Travis and Tif

While being the Director of Young Adult and Evangelism ministries at my local church, I felt the desperate need to go share the gospel with people who would never have the chance to hear of the goodness of Jesus Christ. A new young adult ministry was started, and I was leading people to go share the gospel on the streets and disciple them in homes, but something was missing. Life almost seemed to be “gray” when I started realizing that among the 34 local churches in my small town, there were more than enough believers who could continue sharing the gospel. In reality, the US is immersed with people who can share the gospel while people in unreached areas will face the wrath of God without ever hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Because of this, I decided to join the Ohler family in Thailand, making it my life desire to share the Gospel among the Southern Thai people. I praise God that things have been going amazing and He continues to bless our church. I look forward to helping more people give their lives for the Gospel.

Chai and Moe

Chai and Moe are a couple from Myanmar who live and work in Thailand. After hearing the gospel for about a year, Chai came to faith in Christ, and Moe believed about three months after him. Shortly after this, they were married. They are both committed to following Christ as best as they can and are being Biblically trained to serve Christ.  Chai currently teaches Myanmar children as well as teaching Burmese. They are open to serving God wherever God may lead them. 

The Lauver Family

In January of 2023, our family traveled around the world to visit our dear friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, Bill and Marissa Ohler, and their family. We traveled so far to be able to see and take part in the ministry work happening here in Thailand. During our visit, we were both faced with the realization of the urgent need for the gospel to go forward in predominantly and even surprisingly unreached places.  For the first time in our lives, we heard people say things like, “This is the first time I am ever hearing about Jesus; thank you for telling me”. These words stuck with us both as we have never been met with this response as believers living in the West.  After we returned home from our visit, God moved not only in our hearts but in our three children’s lives as well to unite us all in the desire to move to Thailand to serve as God’s church and to bring the good news of Jesus to the unreached peoples living in this part of the world. The words of Charles M Schulz rang ever more clearly to us, “If we don’t tell them, who will?”.  God uniquely broke down what we would have thought “immovable barriers”, in practical matters as well as hearts. We moved to Thailand in October 2023. It is our prayer that God continues to stir us and others on to love and good works, to proclaim His excellencies, and to encourage other believers to step out in faith and go therefore into all the world and make disciples.



​I returned to Thailand in August of 2024 after spending almost a year in the U.S. to work and start college. I am currently enrolled as a full-time online student in digital design. My plan is to eventually start a career that will allow me to minister in Thailand. I am here to follow Christ's example by living a life reflecting His glory and sharing the Gospel with the people around me. I plan to serve God by teaching, supporting, and connecting with the people around me. 

Other families

God has allowed us to encourage other families who have decided to move to Thailand and are working independently. We are very happy to encourage any follower of Christ to bring the Gospel to unreached areas, even if we do not partner together. Simply put, we want the Good News to go to all people. 

Your name here

We hope that we have encouraged you to see that God has a plan to reach the nations that involve every one of His children. If you feel God's Spirit convicting you to give your all for the proclamation of the gospel, email me at We would love to connect with you and encourage you on your journey. 

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