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We teach adults/teens ESL multiple times a week. God has allowed us to connect with these young adults personally, and we continue to share the gospel with them as our relationship grows. We have found that this is a wonderful way to connect with people around the word of God. It is also a skill many people have in the West. You do not have to be a professional teacher to teach English as a second language. Most people can do it. We use a Christian curriculum to share the gospel as we teach. 


Previously, through the partnership with other brothers and sisters in Christ, we taught ESL online to Myanmar people outside our local area. We plan on starting this again in the future. We will need more volunteers for this, but most people who speak English as a first language can do it. This curriculum is user-friendly and easy to teach with basic instructions. You can also watch us teach online before you commit to teaching to see if it is something you would like to do. If you are interested, please reach out to us. 

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